Monday, May 28, 2007

De Loach 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon

We received this wine as a gift from a friend who stayed with us. It most likely came from Madison Market (on 16th and Madison Ave in Capitol Hill, Seattle).

Andrew [89 points]
Smells nice - it definitely improved as we let it sit for a while. Some earthiness and some fruit, but increasing earthiness over time. Flavor-wise, it's got a bit of pepper and some sweetness to it - the flavor definitely increased as the wine sat. It leaves a nice aroma in my mouth after I swallow it, and it sticks around for at least 10-20 seconds. I like it and I'd like to drink more.

Alexis [88 points]
This wine was very smooth when we first opened it... not a lot of complexity in the flavour, but very smooth. Over time (i.e. by sip three or four) it got a little bit sharper and the flavour became a little more pronounced and rounded. Tastes like plums to me. Very drinkable.

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