Monday, June 4, 2007

Vitiano Falesco 2005 - Cabernet, Merlot, Sangiovese

We got this wine as a gift from a friend, but we'd seen it at the wine store and we're pretty sure it was $8.99 at CostCo.

Alexis [84 points]
My first impression was sourness. I'd like to say it got better... but unfortunately, still sour without any redeeming characteristics. No notable flavours.

Andrew [83 points]
This wine is sort of lacking in flavor. It smells a bit like a cabernet savignon with a hint of pepper - not a bad aroma, but not very strong. When I taste it, it sort of starts with a bit of pepper, a bit of alcohol, and finishes a bit sour - not a great sequence for me. It also leaves an almost indigestion-y feeling in the back of my throat. I wouldn't buy this one again.

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